Selected from over 450 project applications, the partnership is developed by Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) with support from Kenya PET Recycling Company Limited (PETCO) Retail Traders Association of Kenya (RETRAK), BESIC Group Ltd, Discovery Brands, Ital 3D solutions, County Government of Kiambu, Center for Clean Air Policy, Kenya Climate Change Innovation Center (KCIC), and The Danish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The partnership focuses on plastic waste management in Kenya – 1.3 million kg plastic waste is generated weekly in Kenya. The partnership will increase the use of recycled plastic products and improve the collection of plastic waste through voluntary schemes and policy recommendations. The Danish EPA is engaged in the partnership through a Strategic Sector Cooperation project on recycling of plastic products between the Danish EPA and Kenyan authorities. The partnership, has received USD 100,000 to implement this project start-up.